Datei:Fotoalbum Einband.jpg|<br>Cover of the photo album compiled by Severin Ahlmann three years after the founding of SAB. <br> <br>
Datei:Fotoalbum Einband.jpg|<br>Cover of the photo album compiled by Severin Ahlmann three years after the founding of SAB. <br> <br>
Datei:1.1.B 00087 19491224 SeverinAhlmann,04.jpg|<br>Severin's dedication to his mother Käte Ahlmann. He wrote: "To our mother! 'We don't celebrate anniversaries - we celebrate successes!' We also want to claim this saying for ourselves, and can state with satisfaction that the foundations for the future have been laid. With heartfelt gratitude for entrusting us with this ongoing task. Your Josef-Severin. 24.12.1949" <br> <br>
Datei:1.1.B 00087 19491224 SeverinAhlmann,04.jpg|<br>Severin's dedication to his mother Käte Ahlmann. He wrote: "To our mother! 'We don't celebrate anniversaries - we celebrate successes!' We also want to claim this saying for ourselves, and can state with satisfaction that the foundations for the future have been laid. With heartfelt gratitude for entrusting us with this ongoing task. Your Josef-Severin. 24.12.1949" <br> <br>
Datei:Table of contents of the photo album from December 1949. <br> <br>
Datei:Inhaltsverzeichnis Fotoalbum JSA.jpg|<br>Table of contents of the photo album from December 1949. <br> <br>
Datei:InhaltsverzeichnFotoalbumJSAAusschnittt.jpg|<br>""Whether stone or cast, when it’s from AHLMANN it will last!" An advertising slogan representing both the Carlshütte and Severin Ahlmann-Betonindustrie (SAB, later ACO).
Datei:InhaltsverzeichnFotoalbumJSAAusschnittt.jpg|<br>""Whether stone or cast, when it’s from AHLMANN it will last!" An advertising slogan representing both the Carlshütte and Severin Ahlmann-Betonindustrie (SAB, later ACO).
Cover of the photo album compiled by Severin Ahlmann three years after the founding of SAB.
Severin's dedication to his mother Käte Ahlmann. He wrote: "To our mother! 'We don't celebrate anniversaries - we celebrate successes!' We also want to claim this saying for ourselves, and can state with satisfaction that the foundations for the future have been laid. With heartfelt gratitude for entrusting us with this ongoing task. Your Josef-Severin. 24.12.1949"
Table of contents of the photo album from December 1949.
""Whether stone or cast, when it’s from AHLMANN it will last!" An advertising slogan representing both the Carlshütte and Severin Ahlmann-Betonindustrie (SAB, later ACO).